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Training :
Introduction to drone photogrammetry

Introduction to drone photogrammetry


This training course is designed to familiarize you with the concept of drone photogrammetry, and covers in detail the working methods to be favored. You’ll then be able to optimize your flight plans and produce the best possible deliverables.

Introduction to drone photogrammetry


Understand the basics of photogrammetry

Learn more about Pix4D's product range

Prepare optimal flight missions according to project type

Understanding the use of ground targets

Discover the deliverables of drone photogrammetry

Introduction to drone photogrammetry


Introduction to photogrammetry

Data acquisition

Flight parameters

Optimizing results

Examples of deliverables

Introduction to drone photogrammetry

Highlights of the

Enriching and concise training

Concrete examples and interaction during the various sections

Drone photogrammetry will hold no secrets for you!




450 (possible subsidy)


Online via Teams

Sign Up

Target audience

Drone users wishing to improve their knowledge of photogrammetry


Stable Internet connection; Basic operations license required

Introduction to drone photogrammetry

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Introduction to drone photogrammetry

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DroneXperts ?


The drone is a tool that we use every day in our business, which is why our training courses reflect the reality of the field.

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One of our consultants will take the time to define your needs and expectations, to ensure that our training courses are in line with your professional objectives.


The close involvement of our experts will enable you to evolve in a serene environment conducive to the success of your training program.

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