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Drones in the mining field

The integration of photogrammetry and laser scanning for mapping in open pit mines has been around for several years now. What managers are looking for are additional decision-making tools to help them increase the profitability of mine sites and better manage operations.

The drone for Mining


Low operating costs

Accurate data quickly

Better management and planning

Better decision making

For health and safety

The drone for Mining


Topographic survey of the terrain by LiDAR (Digital Terrain Model DTM and Digital Surface Model DSM).

Photogrammetric topographic survey (DTM and DSM).

Volumetric survey of soil or aggregate (volumetry).

Survey of the rock walls.

Real time gas analysis (AIR-SERIES).

Air sampling

Mapping of gases on areas (georeferencing) after blasting.

Environmental emergency services (spill characterization and pollution).