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Zenmuse L2 DJI: Everything you need to know!

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Le 10 octobre 2023, DJI, présente la nouvelle Zenmuse L2 qui s’appuie sur le succès de la Zenmuse L1 ! Ce dernier système hautement intégré de DJI, conçu pour une collecte précise et exacte de données 3D. Avec un module LiDAR amélioré, une caméra RGB de haute qualité et une précision accrue, le Zenmuse L2 repousse les limites de l’efficacité et de la précision. Découvrez comment cet outil peut révolutionner votre façon de collecter et de traiter les données.

Introducing the DJI Zenmuse L2

Le Zenmuse L2 est une nacelle stabilisée mécaniquement, conçue pour être utilisée avec les plateformes de vol Matrice 300 RTK et 350 RTK de DJI. Le L2 se distingue par son cadre LiDAR, un système IMU de haute précision développé en interne, et une caméra de cartographie RVB CMOS 4/3. Ces composants garantissent une acquisition de données géospatiales précise, efficace et fiable.

Thanks to its high-precision frame-mounted LiDAR, the Zenmuse L2 is the solution of choice for professionals seeking precision and efficiency in data collection. The advanced IMU system, coupled with the RGB mapping camera, enables detailed modeling of terrain and structures.

It is primarily designed for cartography and topography, but its use is not limited to these fields. The information provided by the Zenmuse L2 can also be invaluable in other applications requiring precise geospatial data acquisition.

Zenmuse L2 technical specifications

Le Zenmuse L2 présente plusieurs caractéristiques techniques notables.

  • Dimensions and weight: It measures 155 x 128 x 176 mm (L x W x H) and weighs approximately 905 g ;
  • Power supply: Its standard power supply is 28 W, but it can reach a maximum of 58 W;
  • Protection rating: IP54, making it resistant to water and dust;
  • Compatibility : Compatible with DJI Matrice 300 RTK and 350 RTK.

The Zenmuse L2 is also equipped with a LiDAR operating in repetitive scan mode for work requiring precision, and in non-repetitive scan mode for better penetration and inspection purposes.

In terms of performance, the Zenmuse L2 benefits from an advanced IMU system and a 4/3 CMOS RGB mapping camera, offering more precise, efficient and reliable geospatial data acquisition.

LiDAR on Zenmuse L2

Le LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) du Zenmuse L2 est un composant clé de cette nacelle. Il s’agit d’un système de télédétection par laser permettant de mesurer les distances. Ce LiDAR a été développé en interne par DJI, garantissant ainsi une haute précision.

It has two scan modes: non-repetitive scan mode and repetitive scan mode. In repetitive scan mode, LiDAR delivers a more uniform and precise scan, meeting the demands of high-precision mapping.

The LiDAR is mounted on a frame, offering enhanced stability during flights, even in adverse weather conditions. This stability results in more accurate and reliable geospatial data.

It’s a powerful tool for 3D data collection and high-precision post-processing, especially when used with DJI Terra software.

Other advantages of the LiDAR integrated into the Zenmuse L2 include its ability to operate efficiently in low-light conditions, making it ideal for night-time operations.

The precision of the Zenmuse L2 IMU system

Le système IMU (Unité de Mesure Inertielle) du Zenmuse L2 est une pièce maîtresse pour assurer la précision de la nacelle. Développé en interne par DJI, ce système perfectionné joue un rôle crucial dans la stabilisation de la nacelle et la précision des données collectées.

The Zenmuse L2’s IMU ensures vertical accuracy of 4 cm and horizontal accuracy of 5 cm, as mentioned in the product description. This guarantees the accuracy of the geospatial data acquired, an essential feature in fields such as cartography, topography or structural inspection.

The IMU can also be used to geolocate the point cloud generated by LiDAR. This feature further enhances the accuracy of data location.

This performance is made possible by the combination of GNSS and IMU, ensuring high stability even during high-speed flights or in difficult weather conditions.

The Zenmuse L2 CMOS 4/3 RGB camera

La caméra CMOS 4/3 RGB intégrée au Zenmuse L2 est un atout majeur pour la collecte de données géospatiales. Elle offre une résolution de 20 mégapixels, idéale pour la cartographie aérienne et l’inspection de structures.

Pixel size is 3.3 x 3.3 μm, enabling detailed images to be captured with great precision. What’s more, the camera works in perfect harmony with the LiDAR and IMU systems to provide detailed, accurate 3D modeling.

Whether penetrating dense vegetation or detecting objects at a distance, the Zenmuse L2’s 4/3 RGB CMOS camera delivers impressive performance.

Using Zenmuse L2 with DJI Terra

Le Zenmuse L2, lorsqu’il est utilisé en combinaison avec le logiciel DJI Terra, fournit une solution clés en main pour la collecte de données 3D et le post-traitement de haute précision. DJI Terra est un logiciel de cartographie puissant qui permet aux utilisateurs de transformer les données brutes collectées par le Zenmuse L2 en informations géospatiales précises et exploitables.

To start using the Zenmuse L2 with DJI Terra, simply install the software on your computer, then connect the Zenmuse L2 to your DJI Matrice 300 RTK or 350 RTK drone.

Once you’ve started flying and collecting data, you can transfer them directly to DJI Terra for fast, accurate post-processing. DJI Terra’s key features include :

  • One-click processing: DJI Terra supports one-click processing of collected data, greatly simplifying the post-processing process;
  • Terrain optimization: this feature adjusts the flight plan to suit the terrain, ensuring accurate data collection even over rough terrain.

In short, the combination of Zenmuse L2 and DJI Terra offers a complete solution for collecting and post-processing precise geospatial data.

Comparison between DJI’s Zenmuse L1 and Zenmuse L2

Dans cette section, nous allons comparer les deux modèles de nacelle DJI, le Zenmuse L1 et le Zenmuse L2, afin de mettre en évidence leurs différences et leur évolution.

Performance and precision The Zenmuse L2 boasts a significant increase in precision and efficiency over the Zenmuse L1. The L2 generates more robust point clouds and offers a detection range increased by 30%, capable of detecting objects up to 450 meters in certain lighting conditions.

LiDAR technology Both models feature a LiDAR system, but the Zenmuse L2 embeds a frame-mounted LiDAR developed in-house by DJI, offering even greater precision.

IMU system The Zenmuse L1 offers IMU precision of 0.025° (roll/step) / 0.08° (yaw). In contrast, the Zenmuse L2 is equipped with an advanced IMU system for even more precise data acquisition.

Camera The Zenmuse L2’s RGB CMOS 4/3 mapping camera offers a significant improvement over the Zenmuse L1’s camera, enabling more accurate and reliable data acquisition.

To take this comparison even further, here is a detailed table of the main features:

Zenmuse L1Zenmuse L2
Dimensions152 x 110 x 169 mm155 x 128 x 176 mm
Weight930 (±10 g)905 (±5 g)
Power 30W (typical)
60W (max)
28W (typical)
58W (max)
IP indexIP54IP54
Drone supportM300 RTK and M350 RTKM300 RTK (requires DJI RC Plus) and M350 RTK
System efficiencyA single mission can cover an area of up to 2 km².
Relative altitude: 100 m ;
Flight speed: 13 m/s.
A single mission can cover an area of up to 2.5 km².
Relative altitude: 150 m; Flight speed: 15 m/s.
Detection range450m @ 80% reflectivity,
0 klx ;
190m @ 10% reflectivity,
100 klx
450m @ 50% reflectivity,
0klx ;
250m @ 10% reflectivity, 100klx
Point RateSingle return: max. 240,000 fps ;
Multiple return: max. 480,000 pts/s
Single return: max. 240,000 fps ;
Multiple returns: max. 1,200,000 pts/s
System accuracyHorizontal: 10cm to 50m ;
Vertical: 5cm @ 50m.
Both at a flight altitude of 50 m, flight speed 10 m/s.
Horizontal: 5cm @ 150m ;
Vertical: 4cm @ 150m.
Both at a flight altitude of 150 m and a flight speed of 15 m/s.
LiDAR module: telemetry accuracy3cm @ 100m2cm @ 150m
Inertial navigation system accuracyYaw accuracy: 0.3° in real time, 0.15° in post-processing ;
Pitch and roll accuracy: Real-time 0.05°, post-processing 0.025°.
Yaw accuracy: 0.2° in real time, 0.05° in post-processing ;
Pitch and roll accuracy: Real-time 0.05°, post-processing 0.025°.
Real-time point cloud coloring modesReflectivity, height, distance, RGBReflectivity, height, distance, RGB
LiDAR: Maximum returns supported35
LIDAR: Maximum sampling frequency240 kHz (single/double echo mode) ;
160 kHz (triple echo mode)
240kHz for all modes, including Penta
LiDAR: Scanning modes (including FOV)Repetitive scan pattern: 70.4° x 4.5° ;
Non-repetitive scan pattern: 70.4° x 77.2°; – Non-repetitive scan pattern: 70.4° x 77.2°.
Repetitive scan pattern: 70° x 3° ;
Non-repetitive scan pattern: 70° x 75°.
RGB mapping camera: Sensor size and effective pixels1 inch ;
20MP ;
Shooting interval 2 seconds (minimum)
4/3 inch ;
20MP ;
Shooting interval 0.7 seconds
RGB mapping camera: Shutter speedMechanical shutter speed: 1/2000 – 8 s ;
Electronic shutter speed: 1/8000 – 8 s
Mechanical shutter: 2-1/2000 s ;
Electronic shutter: 2-1/8000 s
RGB mapping camera: Video resolution4K @ 30fps
4K @ 30fps
Recommended data capture speed8m/s to 13m/s
Pre-flight High-precision IMU warm-up requiredYes: 5-10 minutesNo
Point cloud Real-time previewSupportSupport and optimization of point cloud rendering

In conclusion, the Zenmuse L2 represents a major technological advance on the Zenmuse L1, offering greater precision, efficiency and reliability in geospatial data collection.

Zenmuse L2 price and availability

Le Zenmuse L2 est disponible en précommande et sera livré d’ici la mi-novembre. Vous pouvez le trouver en vente sur notre boutique

The Zenmuse L2 starts at $16,659. It is sold as an SP (Shield Protection) bundle, offering 3 variants. Example: SP 2 years, which includes the DJI accidental warranty in its 2-year version, offering 4 replacements or repairs at a reduced price during the coverage period.

Zenmuse L2 practical applications

Le Zenmuse L2 s’avère être un outil polyvalent pour diverses applications pratiques. Grâce à sa technologie LiDAR avancée et sa caméra CMOS 4/3 RGB, il offre des performances remarquables dans différents secteurs.

  • Mapping and topography: Zenmuse L2 is capable of collecting precise data over a vast area, up to 2.5 km², in a single flight. This data can be used to create a point cloud model in real time, offering an efficient solution for mapping and topography.
  • Inspection of structures and infrastructure: Zenmuse L2 can be used to inspect complex structures such as power lines, buildings and bridges. Its ability to generate accurate 3D models facilitates the inspection process and enables detailed analysis.
  • Forestry and agriculture: Thanks to its ability to penetrate dense vegetation, the Zenmuse L2 can be used to map forestry and agricultural areas. This can help managers of these spaces to monitor plant health and effectively plan management operations.

En somme, le Zenmuse L2 peut être un outil précieux pour toute organisation nécessitant une collecte de données géospatiales précise et efficace. Sorti en 2020, le L1 était un capteur révolutionnaire : Il offrait une solution LiDAR et photogrammétrique prête à l’emploi à un prix abordable. Aujourd’hui, le L2 est arrivé et offre des avancées significatives qui amélioreront la précision des levés, l’efficacité et la génération de nuages de points.



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