DroneXperts Blog

Enhanced branding unveiled for DroneXperts center of expertise

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DroneXperts, Canada’s pioneer and leader in professionalizing drone integration using robotics and artificial intelligence, is evolving its brand image. This new change reflects the new ambitions and maturity of these offers, which have been constantly evolving for over 10 years.

A new vision for a broader mission

With the evolution of the market and associated technologies, the needs of businesses and consumers have changed, requiring brands to adapt their interactions by offering a personalized customer experience and support service.

That’s why DroneXperts has decided to take its expertise to the next level, positioning itself as your central partner to help you move forward with comprehensive support and innovative integrated drone solutions across Canada.

Its mission, meanwhile, is evolving slightly, placing support at the heart of its customer relations: to professionalize the integration of drones, robotics and artificial intelligence through comprehensive, personalized support, in order to raise the quality and efficiency of companies’ data collection.

DroneXperts DNA

Brand adaptation, on the other hand, aims to put forward a message of growth: elevate your expertise. Who refers to flying and the drone industry by supporting you, but ultimately it’s you who accomplishes the mission. All thanks to professionals at the service of professionals!

Our vision: to be recognized as the forerunner in innovative robotics and artificial intelligence solutions for UAVs. To support this vision, DroneXperts has developed the AIR-SERIES to meet new environmental challenges.

What’s changing with this brand image is that we’re now responding to specific issues in a much more comprehensive and powerful way than before. Our customers’ needs have prompted us to mature and adapt our offerings to keep pace with their markets. We have developed numerous tools and services to cover the entire spectrum of the customer experience, while retaining our DNA. We have ambitious growth targets for the coming years.

With this rebranding, we want to celebrate the success of our customers, which is in part our own success, but also visibly reflect the new stage we’re entering.

DroneXperts in the years ahead

So what next? “We have big plans for the future, and will continue to strengthen our offerings by adding new services. Yesterday our customers needed a few different tools; tomorrow they’ll need many more,” says Jonathan Dupont Champagne, CEO of DroneXperts. ” I am convinced that the new positioning of DroneXperts will support this growth by answering the call of the market́. The market is evolving rapidly, and new Canadian regulations are being introduced. They will require significant adjustments, helping to forge our trajectory in this area of expertise. We’re pioneers in the field, we understand your reality, and we offer full support for all your drone needs. The new customer experience starts here! »



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